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But someday it will. Do share your email so we can inform you with details of when are going to be in your city.
Do remember that you won't be able to use our shipping services until you upload and verify your ID.
Hi! Share your personal info to create a brand new S&S account.
Password must meet the following:
At least 1 letter
At least 8 characters long
At least 1 capital letter's
At least 1 small letter
At least 1 number
At least 1 special character
Quick! Tell us where to deliver your shopping. Just fill in the below address with your local details to receive all your Shop & Ship shipments.
With S&S BASIC, your online shopping journey begins, perfect for those who want to try out online shopping the right way.
With FLEX Annual not only would you enjoy online shopping but do it smart, you will also have access to all the perks Shop & Ship has to offer.
With FLEX Monthly not only would you enjoy online shopping but do it smart, you will also have access to all the perks Shop & Ship has to offer.
With FLEX not only would you enjoy online shopping but do it smart, you will also have access to all the perks Shop & Ship has to offer.
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